The ideas of the presented research are a response to the stable request of the pedagogical community to discuss the experience of implementing the inclusive approach, presenting variable practices of inclusive interaction in various types of educational organizations, searching for productive options for integrating children with special educational needs into the general education system. Based on the environmental approach in the analysis of the educational environment, the basic principles of modeling the system of inclusive relationships and interaction with children with disabilities in the real and e-learning environment are outlined. The strategy is substantiated and the method of applying the vector approach to the examination and modeling of the environment of inclusive interaction, designing ways to improve it is presented. Based on the generalized results of a survey of teachers organizing the education of children with disabilities in non-specialized general education classes and a specially organized electronic learning environment, the typification of relationships was carried out, specific features of the created conditions for the development of this category of children were identified. The significance of the "activity-passivity" dichotomy is statistically confirmed as a leading vector in the formation of the type of inclusive educational environment with a different degree of manifestation of freedom or dependence of a person, determined by a specific situation. Using the vector modeling strategy, the spectrum and the dominant type of modalities of the educational environment of secondary schools and distance learning schools are revealed. The basic orientation to the humanistic positions of the development of relationships between teachers and students, the implementation of a personality-oriented approach in pedagogical activity, the stimulation of personality activity, the formation of its subjectivity is proved. Typical manifestations and potential opportunities and risks of each of the diagnosed types of environment are characterized from the point of view of maintaining a balance in them between the real capabilities of the child and dynamic influences from teachers. The revealed stable priority of creative and career-oriented orientation in all the considered types of interaction allowed us to make conclusions about the currently established approaches in education to include children with deviant development in the environment of standard coevals.
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