CRAYFISH—The Museum of Comparative Anatomy at Haryard having an uncommonly rich collection of the genera and species of the family Astacidte, Mr. Faxon presents us with a revision of the group, which falls little short of being a well-illustrated monograph. In the first part, which has just reached us, we find the crayfishes of the northern hemisphere treated of, and in a second part the author pronises to write of those of the southern hemisphere. As will be known to all readers of Huxley's work, “The Crayfish,” the family Astacidte (which in a strict sense is equivalent to the genus Astacus, as limited by Milne-Edwards) falls naturally into two subordinate groups. These groups of Huxley's Faxon makes into sub-families: (1) the Potamobiime, comprising the crayfishes of Europe, Asia, and North America; and (2) the Parastacin, comprising those of the southern hemisphere, viz. those of South America, Fiji Islands, New Zealand, Tasmania, Australia, and Madagascar. The Potamobiinre are treated of in this memoir, and include the genera Astacus and Cambarus. The Parastacinæ will be treated of in a second memoir. Of the genus Cambarus, established by Erichson in 1846, fifty-two species are accepted by Faxon, and all of these except one are American forms, ranging from Lake Winnipeg to Cuba and Guatemala, from New Brunswick to Wyoming Territory (in Mexico to the Pacific Ocean). The genus Cambarus would not seem to have been developed under the influences affecting cavern life, though several cave and blind species are known, and in Europe it would appear that one solitary species still lingers in the under- ground waters of some of the Carniola caves. It seems strange that on so interesting a question any doubt should remain, and yet it is true that, except a short notice in the Berlin Entomologische Zeitschrift, by Dr. G. Joseph, of a specimen of a crayfish referred to Cambarus, and labelled, as found, “Aus der Grotte von St. Kanzian bei Metaun,” we know nothing of this interesting form, which must, if the determination is correct, be taken as an indication that at one time species of Cambarus inhabited the European rivers. Of the genus Astacus fourteen species are given. These occupy three widely-separated geographical areas: (1) Western North America, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean; (2) the western portion of the Europeo-Asiatic continent from the Ural Mountains and the basin of the Sea of Aral to the Spanish peninsula and (?) Ireland; (3) Eastern Asia, in the Amoor River system, and injapan. No Astaci are known from any part of Siberia between Lake Baikal and the Urals, or from any of the Siberian rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean. To this memoir an interesting note on the fossil forms referred to Astacidm and a table showing the geographical distribution, as far as has been ascertained, of the species of Cambarus and Astacus are appended.—[“A Revision of the Astacidæ,” by Walter Faxon. Part I. “The Genera Cambarus and Astacus” (with ten plates). Cambridge, for the Harvard Museum, August, 1885 (being vol. x. No. 4, of the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Anatomy).]
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