A simple method is described to obtain the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) for whole bags ofpolyethylene and other hydrophobic films. Candidate bags are sealed with 100 g water and then suspended in a controlledlow-humidity chamber above a saturated LiCl salt solution. Humidity inside the bag is uniformly maintained at 100%using paper wicks. Successive weighings at three to seven day intervals give WVTRs that are 90 to 95% accuratecompared to checks by Modern Controls, Minneapolis, Minnesota, using ASTM F372-94. Existing ASTM methods arecomparatively more expensive and complex or slower, less flexible and less accurate. The whole bag (water) method givesthe average WVTR for the entire bag surface rather than for a small sample piece and it can be determined at any desiredtemperature. An existing method also uses the entire bag surface, however, it requires a supply of air at constant relativehumidity and temperature, making it less adaptable for tests at various temperatures.