Mammalian lateral olivocochlear (LOC) neurons that are immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) are also immunoreactive for enkephalin (Enk). To determine whether cochlear efferent neurons in birds might also contain Enk-like immunoreactivity (Enk-LI), we studied the auditory brainstem of the domestic chicken using antisera to ChAT, leucine-enkephalin (L-Enk) and methionine-enkephalin (M-Enk). Enk-LI terminals are found around, but not within, the superior olivary nucleus (SO) and the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, pars intermedia (LLi). A moderate concentration of Enk-LI terminals is found ventromedial to the ventral facial nucleus (VIIv) where the ventrolateral group of ChAT-I cochlear efferent neurons is located. After colchicine injections into the lateral ventricle, a population of intensely stained Enk-LI perikarya was found in the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, pars ventralis (LLv) with scattered cells in the LLi and the nucleus subceruleus ventralis (SCv). The distribution of Enk-LI and ChAT-I somata, however, never overlapped, even in adjacent sections. Thus, in the chick, Enk-LI perikarya are not distributed in areas where cochlear efferent neurons are found. Instead, a dense concentration of Enk-I terminals can be found in areas containing ChAT-I cochlear efferent neurons. The source of these enkephalinergic terminals may be a population of Enk-LI cells in the LLv.