1. The stream gauging network in the construction area of the Sayan-Shushsk hydroelectric station and the investigations conducted provided comprehensive hydrologic data needed for desigming the hydraulic structures at the stage of drawing up the working plans. 2. Passage of flood discharges during the 1969–1970 construction period, through the channel narrowed by cofferdams of the first line, did not do serious damage to the artificial structures, thanks to the optimal layout and order of construction. 3. In connection with the absence of reliable instruments for observing sediment transport, the method of revealing channel deformation under natural conditions by means of detailed surveys of the channel relief, and comparison of the plans, is an effective method for evaluating the re-formations of the river bed and for determining subsequent trends of channel re-formation. 4. A comparison of the full-scale data of the hydraulic and channel regimes of the Enisei with the calculated and laboratory data of VNIIG shows a satisfactory agreement of the results.
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