Spectral stochastic finite element (SSFE) has been widely used in the uncertainty quantification of real-life problems. However, the prohibitive computational burden prevents the application of the method in practical engineering systems because an enormous augmented system has to be solved. Although the domain decomposition method has been introduced to SSFE to improve the efficiency for the solution of the augmented system, there still exist significant challenges in solving the extended Schur complement (e-SC) system from domain decomposition method. In this paper, we develop an approximate sparse expansion-based domain decomposition solver to generalize the application of SSFE. An approximate sparse expansion is first presented for the subdomain-level augmented matrix so that the computational cost in each iteration of the preconditioned conjugate gradient is greatly alleviated. Based on the developed sparse expansion, we further establish an approximate sparse preconditioner to accelerate the convergence of the preconditioned conjugate gradient. The developed approximate sparse expansion-based domain decomposition solver is then incorporated in the context of SSFE. Since the difficulties of solving the e-SC system have been overcome, the developed approximate sparse expansion-based solver greatly improves the computational efficiency of the solution of the e-SC system, and thereby, the SSFE is capable of dealing with large-scale engineering systems. Two numerical examples demonstrate that the developed method can significantly enhance the efficiency for the stochastic response analysis of practical engineering systems.
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