The number of women working as engineers in the mechanical and plant engineering sector in Germany has risen to eleven percent in 2023 – remaining at humble levels. In higher positions, the share is even lower. While around 20 % of engineering students at German universities are female, these women do not seem to be entering the sector or they are leaving it again. The question arises as to what companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector can do to attract female engineers after graduation. This study was conducted in cooperation with the German Engineering Association. The aim was to qualitatively explore the reasons why women enter, stay or leave the engineering sector and to include the industry’s perspective to obtain a holistic view of the situation. Therefore, on the one hand the perspective of female engineers was investigated and, on the other hand, combined with the perspective of companies. We provide insights from focus groups and interviews with 49 female engineers across all career levels, from an analysis of 90 online company websites and social media pages as well as from three on-site visits at exemplary companies. The findings point to unresolved issues in recruitment and beyond: highlighting role models of successful women in engineering, the need for companies to actively attract and support women in engineering, e. g. through recruiting strategies focusing on women, insights into the working culture, and transparency regarding career options. Overall, the study suggests that companies should embed gender diversity and group specific recruitment as important issues in their organizations. Consequently, the study provides recommendations for action for companies seeking to become a more inclusive and diverse industry. Limitations are discussed and further implications are presented.
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