The purpose of the study is to determine the vitamin-mineral composition and antioxidant activity of blue matcha powder and compare the obtained values with the indicators of biologically active substances contained in green matcha powder. Objects and methods - powders of blue and green matcha, developed in accordance with documents defining technical requirements for the products in question. Experimental tests were carried out in a single laboratory complex of the departments of food technology and food engineering, at the Ural State Economic University (Ekaterinburg) during 2021–2022 gg. The studied parameters were established by titrimetric, potentiometric and chromatographic methods. Laboratory studies conducted on an aqueous solution of blue matcha powder showed a high concentration of cyanocobalamin (B12) – 0.296 mg and riboflavin (B2) – 0.711 mg, while calciferol (D3) was found in a moderate amount – 0.002 mg. Retinol acetate (A), ascorbic acid (C), pyridoxine (B6), niacin (PP), α-tocopherol and β-tocopherol were detected in minimal quantities. A study of the mineral content revealed the presence of calcium (Ca) – 2.33 mg and phosphorus (P) – 5.71 mg. It was determined that the antioxidant properties of the infusion from blue mast powder are expressed to a lesser extent relative to tea of various fermentation categories; the value of the measured antioxidant activity of the object in question is 0.39 mol-eq/dm3. The conducted studies confirmed the feasibility of using blue matcha powder in the recipes of sweet dishes to optimize their nutritional value. The paper also highlights the need to increase scientific and public awareness of the chemical properties and applications of blue matcha powder in product manufacturing.
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