Part I. Law and Politics: 1. The Making of a Legal Mind 2. Kingship and the Problem of Sovereignty 3. Lords and Commons 4. Reforming Privy Councillors: Crown Finances and the Administration of Government 5. The Problem of Law Reform 6. The Clash of Jurisdictions: Central and Local Authorities, Secular and Ecclesiastical 7. Les Enfants Terribles: Coke, Ellesmere, and the Supremacy of the Chancellor's Decree 8. The Provenance of Ellesmere's Tracts Part II. Ellesmere's Tracts: 9. 'A Coppie of a wrytten discourse by the Lord Chauncellor Elsemore concerning the Royall Prerogative' (c. 1604) 10. 'The Speech of the Lord Chancellor of England, in the Eschequer Chamber, touching the Post-Nati' (1608) 11. 'Special obseruacions touching all the sessions of the last parlement anno 7 Regis and etc.' (1611) 12. 'Thinges to be Considered of before a parlement to be Called' (1615) 13. 'Memorialles for Iudicature. Pro Bono Publico' (c. 1609) 14. 'Some Notes, and Remembrances, concerning Prohibitians, for Staying of suites in the Ecclesiastical Courts, and in the Courts of the Admiraltie' (1611) 15. 'The Lord Chancellor Egertons Observations upon ye Lord Cookes Reportes' (1615) 16. A breviate or direccion for the Kinges learned Councell collected by the Lord Chauncellor Ellesmere, mense septembris 1615 Anno Yacobi Regis'.