The possible existence of hyperon superfluidity in neutron star cores is studied by using several 1 S0 YY interactions from the OBE baryon-baryon potentials. It is found that not only Λ but also Σ − and Ξ − hyperons could very likely be superfluid. With the increase of the total baryon density ρ toward the center of neutron stars, hyperons (Y )begin to appear as new constituents. The subject of hyperonmixing has gathered much attention from an early stage of theoretical works on neutron stars. 2) - 11) The hyperon fraction yY increases with ρ and in the core region they are important components comparable to nucleons, interestingly affecting the properties of neutron stars. Here we address the question of whether Λ, Σ − and Ξ − admixed could be superfluid. The occurrence of hyperon superfluidity plays a key role in the rapid cooling scenario of neutron stars, i.e., the so-called “hyperon cooling”, 12) - 15) as one of the non-standard cooling scenarios to explain the unusually low surface temperatures observed for some neutron stars. In a preceding work, 16) we concentrated our attention on the case of the Λ superfluid, and we showed that Λ superfluidity exists, though in a limited density region, with the critical temperature Tc ∼ 10 8 −10 9 K. In the present work we discuss the cases of Σ − - and Ξ − -superfluids in reference to the Λ case. Unfortunately, our present knowledge of YY (and also YN )interactions is very limited as compared to the NN interaction. For this reason, we calculate the pairing energy gap by choosing several baryon-baryon (BB) potentials based on the hypothesis of SU(3)invariance and see what can be said regarding the existence or nonexistence of Y superfluids. In this choice, we pay particular attention to the compatibility with hypernuclear data. Although hyperons participate in the high-density region ( ρ> ∼ 2ρ0; where ρ0 = 0.17 nucleons /fm 3 is the nuclear density), the fractional density ρY (≡ yY ρ)is relatively small because yY is not large (10% − 30% at most), and thus the Fermi energy � FY (= ¯ 2 (3π 2 ρY ) 2/3 /2MY , with MY the hyperon mass)is rather low. Therefore, the pairing interaction responsible for Y superfluidity should be that in the 1 S0 pair state. Because there are different Fermi surfaces for every hyperon species, the pairing correlation can be restricted to that of the same Y species. Then the energy gap equation to be solved here has a well-known form of the 1 S0-type. 16)
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