We report on the downtail distance, x, variation of energetic ions observed on Geotail in the spatial region dominated by the magnetotail plasma sheet antisunward of Earth, 0 < x < 208RE. The energy-integrated ∼9.4-210 keV/e ion fluxes presented herein were measured by the Supra-Thermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) of the Energetic Particles and Ion Composition experiment. H+ is the dominant energetic ion species observed. When averaged over geomagnetic activity, the overall x variations of the major ion species are qualitatively similar in that the energy-integrated flux levels decrease with increasing x Earthward of ∼70-100RE. In this x range tailward, sunward, duskward, and dawnward fluxes are of roughly comparable intensity, although tailward fluxes are slightly more intense. Beyond x ∼ 100RE, tailward fluxes dominate and their levels do not decrease appreciably, if at all, out to ∼208RE. Fluxes in the other directions generally continue to decrease with increasing x, albeit with a smaller gradient than closer to Earth. An exception to this exists for high-mass, singly-charged atomic and molecular ions predominantly from the ionosphere, which we group together and call I(O+1). Tailward and duskward I(O+1) fluxes are higher relative to sunward and dawnward I(O+1) fluxes than such intercomparisons for other species. The x variations of H+ and He+2 fluxes are very similar throughout the magnetosphere. We find that the solar wind is the dominant source for H+ by intercomparing the x gradient of H+ flux to those of: 1) the I(O+1) flux; 2) ion flux consisting of high-mass, high charge state ions from the solar wind, which we call SW(O+6) flux; and 3) He+2 flux. He+2 and O+6 are the second and third most abundant solar wind species next to H+, respectively. At these energies and during the decline to solar activity minimum, the solar epoch of these measurements, the I(O+1) flux is less than He+2 flux but greater than SW(O+6) flux. The difference between x gradients of the solar wind and ionospheric origin ion flux increases as geomagnetic activity increases, corresponding to the well-known geomagnetic activity related production of O+1 in the ionosphere. We suggest that the overall difference between H+ and I(O+1) x gradients may be explained in part by spatial/temporal differences of the two different respective sources: one extended and steady, the solar wind, the other localized and transient, Earth's ionosphere.
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