The two-armed bifids (bifid trichomes) occur on the external (abaxial) trap surface, petiole, and stem of the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseracee). These trichomes play the role of mucilage trichomes. This study aimed to fill the gap in the literature concerning the immunocytochemistry of the bifid trichomes and compare them with digestive trichomes. Light and electron microscopy was used to show the trichome structure. Fluorescence microscopy revealed the localization of carbohydrate epitopes associated with the major cell wall polysaccharides and glycoproteins. The stalk cells and the basal cells of the trichomes were differentiated as endodermal cells. Cell wall ingrowths occurred in all cell types of the bifid trichomes. Trichome cells differed in the composition of their cell walls. The cell walls of the head cells and stalk cells were enriched with arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs); however, they were generally poor in both low- and highly-esterified homogalacturonans (HGs). The cell walls in the trichome cells were rich in hemicelluloses: xyloglucan and galactoxyloglucan. The cell wall ingrowths in the basal cells were significantly enriched with hemicelluloses. The presence of endodermal cells and transfer cells supports the idea that bifid trichomes actively transport solutes, which are polysaccharide in nature. The presence of AGPs (which are considered plant signaling molecules) in the cell walls in these trichome cells indicates the active and important role of these trichomes in plant function. Future research should focus on the question of how the molecular architecture of trap cell walls changes in cells during trap development and prey capture and digestion in A. vesiculosa and other carnivorous plants.
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