The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of 10% nanohydroxyapatite in an experimental resin infiltrant on color stability and mineral loss. Bovine enamel blocks were randomized into five groups (n = 27/group): SE (sound enamel); ICL (initial caries lesion); I (Icon®); E (experimental infiltrant); EH (experimental infiltrant containing 10% nanohydroxyapatite). Color evaluation (n = 15) was performed and CIEL*a*b* values were obtained at points T0 (baseline), T1 (14days immersed on coffee solution), and T2 (28days immersed) and data were calculated ∆E00, ∆WID, ∆L*, ∆a*, and ∆b*. Cross-sectional microhardness (n = 12) was performed and lesion area (∆S) was calculated. Images were obtained with polarized light optical microscopy at 40 × magnification (n = 5). In color stability results, there was significant difference between time (14 and 28days); ICL demonstrated significant difference among treated groups in all measures (∆L*, ∆a*, ∆b*, ∆E00, ∆WID) regardless of time; I and E demonstrated similar behavior on those measures and EH differed from I in ∆L*. For ∆S, ICL group showed a significant difference compared to I and EH groups, but did not differ from E. The nanohydroxyapatite incorporation suggested an effective mineral recovery on initial caries lesion in depth; however, it showed high color variation, such as Icon. In terms of ∆S, I and EH had lower mineral loss, suggesting a reinforcement on initial caries lesion. Commercial and experimental infiltrants containing nanohydroxyapatite present low color stability and might reinforce mineral in initial caries lesion.