Abstract At Bailey Co., Texas standard insecticides azinphosmethyl (Guthion®) and carbofuran (Furadan®) and three experimental compounds (SD-41706, SD-43775 and SRA-12869) were tested for alfalfa weevil control. The pivot sprinkler-irrigated broadcast planted alfalfa had ca. 10-12 in. of early season growth. Plots were 13.3 ft. wide and 35 ft. long arranged in a four replicate randomized block design. Alfalfa weevil larvae were randomly sampled in three 1 sq. ft. areas within each plot on April 29 prior to insecticide application and posttreatment on May 4, 7, and 14. Emulsifiable (EC), liquid concentrate (L) and flowable (F) insecticide formulations at rates in pounds active ingredient per acre were topically applied with a hand-carried, nitrogen-pressured sprayer equipped with five FS-2 80° nozzles spaced 20 in. apart and calibrated to deliver five gal. of insecticide and water mixture per acre. Aerial application of carbofuran 4F (0.5 lb ai/ac) was made using a Rockwell Thrush Commander with D-10 tips and no. 45 spinners at 18-22 psi.