Time series analysis predicts the future based on existing historical data and has a wide range of applications in finance, economics, meteorology, biology, engineering, and other fields. Although the combination of decomposition techniques and machine learning algorithms can effectively solve the problem of predicting nonstationary sequences, this kind of decomposition-integration-prediction strategy of the prediction method has serious defects. After the decomposition of the division of the training set and the test set, the information of the test set in the process of decomposition of the information leakage ultimately shows a high accuracy of the prediction of the illusionary. This paper proposes three improvement strategies for this type of “information leakage” problem: sliding window decomposition (SW-EMD), single training and multiple decomposition (STMP-EMD), and multiple training and multiple decomposition (MTMP-EMD). They are combined with a bidirectional multiscale temporal convolutional network (MSBTCN), bidirectional long- and short-term memory network (BiLSTM), and attention mechanism (DMAttention), which introduces a dependency matrix based on cosine similarity to be applied to water quality prediction. The experimental results show that the model achieves good performance in the prediction of three water quality indicators (pH, DO and KMnO4), and the accuracies of the three models proposed in this paper are improved by 1.958% and 0.853% in terms of the RMSE and MAPE, respectively, compared with those of the mainstream LSTM models. The key contributions of this study include the following: (1) three methods are proposed to improve the class EMD decomposition, which can effectively solve the problem of “information leakage” that exists in the current models via class EMD decomposition; (2) the CEEMDAN-MSBTCN-BiLSTM-DMAttention model structure is innovated by combining improved class EMD decomposition methods; and (3) the three improved decomposition methods proposed in this paper can effectively solve the problem of “information leakage” and optimize the prediction model at the same time. This study provides an effective experimental method for water quality prediction and can effectively address the problem of “overfitting” models via class EMD decompositions during model training and testing.
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