This paper explores active defense for UAVs globally, with the main emphasis on detection and countermeasure technologies. Questionnaires were administered to 139 individuals in the USA, and the results were analyzed with the help of the Statistic Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), including reliability analysis, descriptive frequency, and regression analysis. The results concerning Hypothesis 1 concerning technological detection impact on the adequacy of UAV defense are the following. Analyzing the data, it was established that detection technology influences UAV defense significantly with F =12. 27 and a signification p, therefore, is less than 0,001. Total regression analysis showed that In relation to this aspect, the regression coefficient (b = 0. 292, p <. 001) shows that detection technology has a positive influence on UAV defense and accounts for 8. Two percent of the total aggregated variation across the defense effectiveness of the participating countries (R² = 0. 082) could solely be attributed to these potentates. Thus, the findings of Hypothesis 2 prove that countermeasure technology also plays another major role in the defense of UAVs. Analysis of variance for the model revealed that technology used in countermeasures tremendously impacts UAV defense with F = 113. 465, and the calculated p is less than 0. 000; hence, the findings are highly significant. Thus, the regression coefficient (b = 0.782, p < 0.000) indicates a significant contribution of countermeasure technology influencing the reduction rate, which amounts to 45 %. 14% of the variance in UAV defense effectiveness gives a coefficient of determination of 0.453. Based on these findings, developing detection and countermeasure technologies are crucial to improving UAV defense systems. The research findings suggest that azimuth and elevation tracking and invariant pattern recognition technologies used in this system can be enhanced to enhance the effectiveness of a UAV countermeasure system.
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