AbstractLet 𝐺 be a connected reductive group defined overFq\mathbb{F}_{q}. Fix an integerM≥2M\geq 2, and consider the power mapx↦xMx\mapsto x^{M}on 𝐺. We denote the image ofG(Fq)G(\mathbb{F}_{q})under this map byG(Fq)MG(\mathbb{F}_{q})^{M}and estimate what proportion of regular semisimple, semisimple and regular elements ofG(Fq)G(\mathbb{F}_{q})it contains. We prove that, asq→∞q\to\infty, the set of limits for each of these proportions is the same and provide a formula. This generalizes the well-known results forM=1M=1where all the limits take the same value 1. We also compute this more explicitly for the groupsGL(n,q)\mathrm{GL}(n,q)andU(n,q)\mathrm{U}(n,q)and show that the set of limits are the same for these two group, in fact, in bijection underq↦-qq\mapsto-qfor a fixed 𝑀.
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