Abstract Magnetism and Ligand-Field Analysis. By M. Gerloch. (Cambridge University Press, 1984.) [Pp. xiii + 593.] £55.00. Scope: Treatise/Textbook. Level: For specialists only. Reviews of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Volume 2 Optically Pumped Far-infrared Lasers. Edited by K. J. Button, M. Inguscio and F. Strumia. (Plenum Press, 1984.) [Pp. viii + 483.] $69.50. Scope: Survey. Library (reference). Level: For specialists only. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, 1983. Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference, Oxford, March 1983. Edited by A. G. Cullis, S. M. Davidson and G. R. Booker. (The Institute of Physics, 1983.) [Pp. xi + 520.] E32.00. Scope: Conference proceedings. Level: Specialist postgraduate. Staticsand Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems. Proceedings of a Workshop at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, July 1983. Edited by G. Benedek, H. Bilz and R. Zeyher. (Springer-Verlag, 1984.) [Pp. viii + 31 1.] DM 75; $c. 29.10. Scope: Conference proceedings. Level: For specialists only. Glimpsing an Invisible Universe. The Emergence of X-ray Astronomy. By R. F. Hirsch.(Cambridge University Press, 1983.) [Pp. viii + 186.] L20.00. Sputtering by Particle Bombardment, 11. (Alloys and Compounds; Electron and Neutron Sputtering; Surface Topography.) Edited by R. Behrisch. (Springer-Verlag, 1983.) [Pp. xiii + 391.] DM 109; $42.50. Scope: Treatise/Textbook. Level: Specialist postgraduate. The LMTO Method. Mufin-Tin Orbitals and Electronic Structure. By H. L. Skriver. (Springer-Verlag, 1984.) [Pp. ix+281.] DM 84; $c. 32.60. Scope: Library. Level: Specialist postgraduate. Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics. Edited by M. Jacob. (North-Holland, 1982.) [Pp. viii + 836.] Dfl 180.00; $76.50. Scope: Survey, Library (reference). Level: For specialists and Specialist postgraduates. Proceedings of a Symposium on Numerical and Physical Aspects of Aerodynamic Flows, 11.(California State University, Long Beach, January 1983.) Edited by T. Cebecci. (Springer-Verlag, 1984.) [Pp. xi+416.] DM 152; $c. 56.90. Scope: Conference proceedings. Level: For specialists and Specialist postgraduates. Physics Handbook. Second edition. Elementary Constants and Units, Tables, Formulae and Diagrams, and Mathematical Formulae. By C. Nordling and J. Österman. (Chartwell Bratt Ltd., 1983.) [Pp. 431.] £15.00 hardback; £8.90 paperback. Scope: Textbook. Level Undergraduate, School, General reader. Advances in Nuclear Physics, Volume 13. Edited by J. W. Negele and E. Vogt. (Plenum Press,1984.) [Pp. xiv + 326.] $49.50. Scope: Survey. Level: Specialist post-graduate. Atomic and Molecular Physics of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion. Edited by C. J. Joachain and D. E. Post. (Plenum Press, 1983.) [Pp. x + 526.] $79.50. Scope: Conference Proceedings.Level: Specialist post-graduate. Rydberg States of Atoms and Molecules. Edited by R. F. Stebbings and F. B. Dunning.(Cambridge University Press, 1983.) [Pp.ix + 515.] £40.00; £79.50. Scope: Survey. Level:Specialist post-graduate. Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 1983 Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference at the University of Surrey, August-September 1983. Edited by P. Doig. (The Institute of Physics, 1984.) [Pp. xviii+ 530.] £34.00. Scope: Conference Proceedings. Level: Specialist post-graduate. Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics held at Oklahoma State University in March 1983. Papers edited by K. A. Milton and M. A. Samuel. (Birkhauser-Verlag, Basle, 1984.) [Pp. x + 265.] SFr 64. Scope: Conference Proceedings. Level: For specialists only. A Development of Quantum Mechanics based on Symmetry Considerations. By G. H. Duffey.(D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984.) [Pp. xiii + 342.] Dfl150.00. Scope: Textbook. Level: Undergraduate. Gauge Symmetries and Fibre Bundles. By A. P. Balachandran, G. Marmo, B.-S. Skagerstam and A. Stern. (Springer-Verlag, 1983.) [Pp.iv+ 140.] DM 18; $c. 7.00. Scope: Textbook. Level: For specialists only; Specialist post-graduate. Scaling and Self. Similarity in Physics. Edited by J. Fröhlich. (Birkhauser, 1983.) [Pp. vi +426.] SFr 66. Scope: Treatise. Level: For specialists only; Specialist post-graduate. Magnetic Phase Transitions, Proceedings of a Summer School at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, July 1983. Edited by M. Auslcos and R. J. Elliott. (Springer-Verlag, 1983.)[Pp. vii + 269.] DM 75; $c. 29.10. Scope: Conference Proceedings. Level: For specialists only. Theory of Symmetry Changes at Continuous Phase Transitions. By J. Kocinski. (Elsevier/Polish Scientific Publications, 1983.) [Pp. viii +283.] Dfl170.00; $72.75, USA and Canada only.Scope: Treatise/Textbook. Level For specialists only. The Solar System. By Roman Smoluchowski. (Scientific American Books/W. H. Freeman,1983.) [Pp. 174 +Index.] £10.95. Scope: Treatise. Level: General reader. The Science of Musical Sound. By John R. Pierce. (Scientific American Books/W. H. Freeman, 1983.) [Pp. 150+x.] £10.95. Level: General reader. The Wave-Particle Dualism. A tribute to Louis de Broglie on his 90th Birthday. Edited by S. Diner, D. Fargue, G. Lochak and E. Selleri. (D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, 1984.)[Pp. vii + 566.] Dfl190.00. Scope: Conference Proceedings. Level: For specialist only.
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