Previous research has analyzed the effect of motor interventions (MI) on perceived motor competence (PMC) and actual motor competence (AMC) on children and adolescents. No research had focused on pre-sporting activities (PSA) as part of MI. PURPOSE: To analyze the effect of traditional and non-traditional PSA on PMC skills (perceived locomotion [PL], perceived object control [POC], perceived gross motor [PGM], and global PMC [GPMC]) and AMC skills (locomotion [L], object control [OC], gross motor [GM]) on elementary boys and girls. METHODS: 72 children from fourth grade of elementary school (mean age 9.6 ± 0.6 yrs. old) had their parents’ authorization and volunteered to participate in the study. Four treatments were randomly assigned to four intact classes: traditional PSA (T), non-traditional PSA (NT), combined PSA (C), and control group (CG). The intervention consisted of 7 sessions of 80 minutes each, once per week. T group (n=18) received track and field and gymnastics PSA; NT group (n=21) received goalball and field hockey PSA; C group (n=15) received PSA of the four sports, and CG (n=18) had no physical education. PMC was assessed with the Pictorial Scale for Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children; while AMC was assessed with the Test of Gross Motor Development-2. RESULTS: A two-way ANOVA (groups by measurements) showed no significant results for POC (M±SD values for pretest [T: 3.3±0.4, NT: 3.3±0.5, C: 2.99±0.6, CG: 3.1±0.4] and posttest [T: 3.3±0.5, NT: 3.2±0.5, C: 3.2±0.4, CG:3.2±0.4]) nor PGM (M±SD values for pretest [T: 3.1±0.4, NT: 3.1±0.4, C: 3.0±0.5, CG: 3.0±0.3] and posttest [T: 3.2±0.5, NT: 3.2±0.3, C: 2.99±0.4, CG: 3.1±0.3]. PL, GPMC, L, OC, and GM did not show normal distribution, therefore a one-way ANCOVA (4 groups; pretest as co-variable) was used. The ANCOVA revealed that the three experimental groups (T: 3.9±1.8, NT: 3.5±2.0, C: 4.3±2.1) had significantly higher scores at posttest than the CG (1.1±0.4) in OC. No significant differences were found between groups at posttest for L (T: 4.9±1.7, NT:4.9±1.7, C:4.4±1.9, CG:2.3±1.3), GM (T: 8.6±1.9, NT: 7.8±3.3, C: 9.0±3.3, CG: 3.5±1.4), PL (T: 3.2±0.6, NT: 3.1±0.5, C: 3.0±0.5, CG:3.2±0.4), and GPMC (T: 3.0±0.5, NT: 3.0±0.3, C:3.0±0.4, CG:3.0±0.3). CONCLUSION: Traditional and non-traditional PSA can be used to enhance OC in fourth graders.
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