This literature review investigates the psycholinguistic processes in reading comprehensionmechanisms in individuals with language impairment. Reading comprehension is an important aspect oflanguage development, yet individuals with language impairment often experience difficulties in understandingwritten text. Reading comprehension involves various psycholinguistic processes, including phonological,syntactic, semantic and pragmatic processing. Language impairment conditions such as dyslexia, languagedevelopment disorders and reading comprehension disorders often affect these mechanisms. Phonologicalprocessing is key in reading comprehension mechanisms, and individuals with language impairments often havedifficulty in recognising and decoding words. In addition, syntactic aspects play an important role inunderstanding sentence structure and the relationship between sentence elements. Reading comprehensiondisorders are often associated with difficulties in understanding semantic relationships, recognising wordmeanings and applying semantic knowledge in reading contexts. In addition, pragmatic factors are alsoimportant in comprehending text, including understanding context and communicative purpose. Individuals withlanguage impairment may have difficulty in picking up pragmatic nuances and applying them in readingcomprehension. This literature review presents an in-depth understanding of the relationship betweenpsycholinguistic processes and reading comprehension mechanisms in individuals with language impairment.The clinical implications of this study may aid the development of more effective intervention strategies toimprove reading comprehension in this population. With a better understanding of the factors that influencereading comprehension, health and education practitioners can design specific and targeted interventionprogrammes to improve reading ability in individuals with language impairment.
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