.Ozet Starch-gel elekiroforez teknigi ile belirlenen TfA,TfB,Tfu,TfT>, ve TfE ergenlerinin sikliklari, sirasiyla Morkaramarida 0.341,0.161,0.222,0.266,0.010; Merinosuz 0.160,0.175, 0.277, 0.340, 0.048; IvesVde 0.269,0.355,0149,0.167, 0.060 olmustur. Transferrin genlerinin irklar arasindaki dagilislari onemli derecede, (P TfA/ TfD, TfA/ TfE, Tf*! TfM, Tf* Tfn, Tf*! TfMl Tfv, TfMi TfE, Tf°! TfE,) olmak uzere toplam 14 genotip ortaya cikarilmistir. Bunlardan TfMITfE tipi Morkaraman ve IvesVde, TfAjTfE tipi Merinos'da, TfEjTfE tipi ise irklarin hicbirinde gorulmemistir. Beta-globulin fenotiplerinin ampirik ve teorik dagilislari arasindaki farklar Morkaraman {kikare:42.2) ve Merinos*da (kikare: 30.7) cok onemli (P<0.001); IvesVde (kikare: 5.0) onemsiz olmustur. Yabanci damizliklara kapali suruler icinde hat gelistirilmis olmasi Hardy-Weinberg dengesinden uzaklasmanin nedeni olarak gorulmustur. Summary Genetics of Beta-Globulin Polymorphism and Its Association With Quanti tatve Characters in Ataturk University Flocks: I. Genetic Analysis 87 The frequencies for TfA,TfB,TfM,TfD and TfE which were typed by starch gel electrophoresis were 0.341,0.161,0.222,0.266,0.010 in Morkaraman; 0.160, 0.175,0.277,0.340,0.048 in Merino and 0.269,0.355,0.149,0.167, C.060 in Awassi ewes, respectively. The distribution of transferrin genes differed significantly (P<0.001) between the three breeds (chi-square; 79.1; d. f: 8). Gene fiequencies were significantly independent from the age of ewe arid culling did not affect beta- globulin locus. 4 homozygous (TfA/TfA,TfB/TfB, TfM/TfM, TfD/TfD) and 10 heterozygous (TfA/TfB,TfA/TiM,TfA/TfD, TfA/TfE,TfB/TfM,TfB/TfD, TP/Tf6, TfM/TfD, TfM/TfD/TiE) were determined in the flocks. The TfM/TfE, genotypes were not found in Morkaraman and Awassi ewes, while the TfE/TfE type was not observed in any of the breeds. Differences between empirical and theoretical distributions for beta-globulin phenotypes were significant (P<0.001) in Morkaraman (Chi-square: 42.2) and Merino (ch'-square: 30. 1) but notsignificant in Awassi (chi-square: 5.0). Significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was probably due to the facts that the flocks were closed to gene flow and the two inhered lines had been developed in Morkaraman and Merino ewes.
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