ABSTRACT Electroosmotic chemical treatment is a technique for improving the strength of soft soil. This study examined the effects of injection duration, Ca2+ions concentration, and pH distribution on the shear strength of Taipei silty clay. Experimental tests were conducted by injecting calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution into Taipei silty clay during electroosmosis for various durations. After testing, the water content, pH, Ca2+ ions concentration, injection volume, drainage volume, and cone resistance were measured. The results indicated that the injection volume, drainage volume, Ca2+ ions concentration, and strength of the silty clay were low compared with the same measurements for kaolinite because Taipei silty clay consists mainly of illite, which results in the soil having a lower coefficient of electroosmotic permeability. The treatments of 12–48 h were insufficient for improving soil strength. However, the 120-h 1.5 M C120 injection treatment resulted in a moderate increase in soil strength due to consolidation and Ca2+ ions precipitation. By comparing our results with those of studies on kaolinite, we established a suitable injection procedure, which includes solutions for treatment duration and concentration of CaCl2 solution (i.e. 1.5 M C48, 0.2 M C120, and 0.75 M C120).