Abstract The design and application of an automated calibration device consisting of a pneumatic rabbit system with circular irradiation geometry is described. Four gamma radiation sources up to 3.7 TBq (100 Ci) 137Cs are stored in a revolving shielded container. The rabbits containing the sources travel through a bent lucite tubing down to an adjustable mechanical stop at the irradiation position. A flat circular segment is mounted at 1 m distance. The source position can be adjusted to the centre line of the dosemeters which are clamped behind lucite holders for fast and accurate positioning and secondary electron equilibrium. Up to 200 TLD cards can be exposed at once with the irradiation time controlled by an electronic clock. Frequent dose measurement with secondary standard ionisation chambers proved a reproducibility of exposure better than ±0.5% (2 sigma) for 5 minutes or more irradiation time. The automated calibration system has been routinely applied for fast, accurate and convenient calibration of over 50,000 TLD's used by our personnel monitoring service.
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