When the heavy fraction of beef heart mitochondrial suspensions is exposed to sonic oscillation, a submitochondrial particle can be isolated which is indistinguishable from previously described ETP except that it is capable of coupling the oxidation of succinate and DPNH to phosphorylation —the maximum P/O ratios being respectively 1.2 and 2.0 ETP may be regarded as the least common denominator of both electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Whether phosphorylating or not, ETP is inactive in catalyzing citric cyclic oxidations. During its formation by sonication of mitochindria, some of the pyridinoprotein enzymes are completely lost while others are retained in part. The β-hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase is the only pyridinoprotein enzyme which is more concentrated in ETP than in the original mithocondrion. The presence of Mg ++ during the separation of ETP from the sonicated suspension is essential for maximal phosphorylative activity.
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