The wide bandgap of silicon carbide ~SiC! semiconductor gives it the edge over other materials for making high power, high temperature, and high frequency devices. High thermal conductivity, saturation electric drift velocity, and breakdown electric field adds to its better thermal and electronic properties. In the last few years it has been recognized that nanostructured porous semiconductor networks show interesting optoelectrical properties different from those of bulk semiconductors. These properties are related to the presence of a three-dimensional ~3-D! interfacial structure with a huge internal surface area and huge volume density of surface-localized electrons. At present, extensive research is devoted to nanostructured semiconductor networks. It is believed that such networks will play an important role in future ~opto-! electronic devices ~solar cells, light emitting diodes, chemical sensors, electrochromic devices, single electron transistors !. In recent years, porous silicon carbide has been of interest due to its more efficient luminescence compared to bulk SiC. 1 Also, electroluminescent and gas sensor devices based on porous SiC have been demonstrated. 2,3 In order to use porous SiC in device application, the correlation between electrical characteristics and structural morphology of the porous layer must be understood. The goal of this work was to investigate the surface and pore morphology of 6H-SiC with respect to the effect of varying current density used during electrochemical anodization. The characterization technique used to study the surface and pore morphology has never been reported before.