Elastotic changes were demonstrable in the gingivae of both dentulous and edentulous jaws obtained from both male and female humans varying in age from 62–92 years. Sections of gingivae from all the aged individuals exhibited numerable thick fibers that stained positive with iron hematoxylin or orcein. These positive staining fibers were found in the lamina propria radiating into the connective tissue papillae, coursing throughout the zona reticularis, as well as appearing as black amorphous masses. Pretreatment of sections with acid hydrolysis before staining by the two elastic tissue stains led to a loss of stainable fibers for elastin. In contrast the gingivae of a young adult did not contain elastic positive fibers as seen in the aged gingivae. The thick elastotic fibers found in the aged gingivae were argyrophilic in nature when the sections were impregnated with silver nitrate indicating that they were collagenous in nature. It is felt that the elastoid‐like fibers in aging gingiva are another phase in the altering of collagen during the aging process.
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