The average daily egg output of Schistosoma mansoni females in rodents has been estimated by several investigators to fall within the range of 234-380 eggs per day per female (Moore and Sandground, 1956, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 5: 831-840; Weinmann and Hunter, 1961, Exp. Parasitol. 11: 56-62; Cheever and Anderson, 1971, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 20: 62-68). These values were determined for Puerto Rican stocks of the parasite in hamsters or mice. Cheever and Anderson (1971, loc. cit.) called attention to the probability that fecundity was underestimated in these studies, because only tissue egg loads and fecal egg outputs were considered, and egg destruction in the tissues was not. Later, Cheever and Duvall (1974, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 23: 884-894), taking into account rates of destruction of eggs in tissues, examined fecundity of the NIH Puerto Rican strain of S. mansoni in grivet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops). They used an earlier, experimentally determined, tissue egg half-life of 8 days, derived for the same S. mansoni strain in rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta (Cheever and Powers, 1971, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 20: 69-76). Use of the rhesus monkeyderived half-life value with grivet monkey tissue and fecal egg load data was justified on the basis of evidence for the common rapid occurrence of a steady state in tissue egg burdens and a high proportion of living to dead eggs in the tissues of both host species. Applying a steady state equation analogous to the radioactive decay equation to their data, they determined the daily oviposition rate of female S. mansoni to be 529658 eggs, in single infections of varying durations, a figure about twice that of the earlier estimates. Unfortunately, the old fecundity value of about 300 eggs/day/female continues to be cited in many current textbooks and other sources. As a basis for studies on fecundity suppression in experimental schistosomiasis in nonhuman primates, we derived an equation to express the average rate of egg production by the population f mature female worms within a single host. The necessary data are: (1) the number of mature females present in that host, as determined by perfusion, inspection, and dissection; (2) the total number of eggs in the tissues, as determined by KOH digestion (Cheever, 1968, Bull. W.H.0. 39: 328-331) of affected organs, including intestines, liver, lungs, etc.; (3) the average, 24-hr egg output in the feces; and (4) the half-life of eggs in the tissues. We determined the first three values in a s ries of singly-exposed, captivity-born baboons (Papio cynocephalus), infected with a Kenyan strain of S. mansoni, by methods as described (Damian et al., 1972, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 21: 951-958). Because baboons also evidenced rapid development of a steady state amount of tissue eggs, which included a high proportion of live eggs (Damian et al., 1976, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 25: 299-306), we too employed Cheever and Powers' (1971, loc. cit.) tissue egg half-life estimate of 8 days in our calculations. Other assumptions that we made, in addition to the half-life value of tissue eggs, included the following: (1) female worms do not die at an appreciable rate in baboons (Damian et al., 1976, loc. cit.); (2) all females within a single host produce eggs at the same rate; and (3) eggs in the intestinal wall are subject to destruction at the same rate as those elsewhere in the tissues (Cheever and Anderson, 1971, loc. cit.). The fecundity value, F, or average number of eggs produced per day per female may be obtained from the equation