In the existing system, role manager give authorization to user when he begins encryption. After that user have all the permission to access the function. The project developed by access provides security by enabling the function of role manager. The role manager monitors every function to provide additional security. It includes two encryption and decryption (One by user and one by role manager. User use public & private key to encrypt and decrypt video, whereas role manager use AES to encrypt and decrypt video. Private Key frameworks utilize the same key to encode and decode information. Open key encryption functions admirably in circumstances where you can't safely impart a key, as over the Internet, however it has some real disadvantages. The main disadvantages of thistechnique are speed, certification problems, direct compromise, and false sense of security. AES encryption is a block cipher that uses an encryption key and a several rounds of encryption. A block cipher is an encryption that works on a single block of data at a time. In the case of standard AES encryption the block is 128 bits, or 16 bytes, in length. The term rounds refer to the way in which the encryption mixes the data re-encrypting it ten to fourteen times depending on the length of the key. The AES encryption itself is not a computer program or computer source code.
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