Gidazepam is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer with several characteristic pharmacodynamic properties: lower affinity to GABAА-receptors than classical benzodiazepines, partial agonism and modulation of GABAА-receptors by stimulation of neurosteroid synthesis through binding to the TranSlocator PrOtein (TSPO), influence on the activity of the serotonergic, dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems. Clinically, Gidazepam is characterized by rapid and sustained anxiolytic, antiasthenic, vegetotropic and procognitive effects. In the lower range of therapeutic doses (20–50 mg/day), the drug has antiasthenic and procognitive properties without subsequent exhaustion; the effects of the upper dose range (from 100–150 mg/day) are closer to the effects of classic benzodiazepine tranquilizers. The drug is well tolerated, it is not characterized by sedation and muscle relaxation, and the risk of addiction or dependence is extremely low.
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