Grain growth competition during directional solidification of a polycrystal with hexagonal (hcp) symmetry (Mg-1wt%Gd alloy) is studied by phase-field modeling, exploring the effect of the temperature gradient G on the resulting grain boundary (GB) orientation selection. Results show that selection mechanisms and scaling laws derived for cubic (fcc, bcc) crystals also apply to hcp materials (within their basal plane), provided a re-estimation of fitting parameters and re-scaling to account for the sixfold symmetry. While grain growth competition remains stochastic with rare events of unexpected elimination or side-branching along the developing GBs, we also confirm an overall transition from a geometrical limit to a favorably oriented grain limit behavior with an increase of thermal gradient within the dendritic regime, and the progressive alignment of dendrites and GBs toward the temperature gradient direction with an increase of G during the dendritic-to-cellular morphological transition. Comparisons with original thin-sample directional solidification experiments show a qualitative agreement with PF results, yet with notable discrepancies, which nonetheless can be explained based on the stochastic variability of selected GB orientations, and the statistically limited experimental sample size. Overall, our results extend the understanding of GB formation and grain growth competition during solidification of hcp materials, and the effect of thermal conditions, nonetheless concluding on the challenges of extending the current studies to three dimensions, and the need for much broader (statistically significant) data sets of GB orientation selected under well-identified solidification conditions.
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