Bacterial plasmids and other extrachromosomal DNA elements frequently carry genes with important fitness effects for their hosts. Multicopy plasmids can additionally carry distinct alleles of host-fitness-relevant genes on different plasmid copies, allowing for heterozygosity not possible for loci on haploid chromosomes. Plasmid-mediated heterozygosity may increase the fitness of bacterial cells in circumstances where there is an advantage to having multiple distinct alleles (heterozyogote advantage); however, plasmid-mediated heterozygosity is also subject to constant loss due to random segregation of plasmid copies on cell division. We analyze a multitype branching process model to study the evolution and maintenance of plasmid-mediated heterozygosity under a heterozygote advantage. We focus on an evolutionary rescue scenario in which a novel mutant allele on a plasmid must be maintained together with the wild-type allele to allow population persistance (although our results apply more generally to the maintenance of heterozygosity due to heterozygote advantage). We determine the probability of rescue and derive an analytical expression for the threshold on the fitness of heterozygotes required to overcome segregation and make rescue possible; this threshold decreases with increasing plasmids copy number. We further show that the formation of cointegrates from the fusion of plasmid copies increases the probability of rescue. Overall, our results provide a rigorous quantitative assessment of the conditions under which bacterial populations can adapt to multiple stressors through plasmid-mediated heterozygosity. Many of the results are furthermore applicable to the related problem of the maintenance of incompatible plasmids in the same cell under selection for both.
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