Six lines and eight crosses were crossed in line x tester fashion to determine the general and specific combining ability variances for yield and yield contributing traits in wheat. The Analysis of Variance indicated that the differences due to crosses were significant for all the characters except protein percent. This indicated the presence of substantial genetic variability among the crosses for these characters. Among the parents two lines (AKAW-4627 and AKAW-4927) and two testers (C-306 and DHTW-60) are found to be good general combiners for yield per plant along with the most of the yield contributing traits. Thus, these parents should be included in further hybridization programme. The highest significant sca effect for grain yield was recorded by the cross AKAW-5023 x WH-7304 followed by AKAW-4627 x C-306, AKAW-4627 x DHTW-60, AKW-1071 x AKW-2862-1, NIAW-34 x AKAW-3717. The crosses AKW-1071 x HTW-11 and PDKV-Sardar x HINDI-62 recorded highly significant sca effects for protein percent and β-carotene content respectively. Among the genotypes AKAW-4627 x C-306, AKAW-4627 x DHTW-60 and AKAW-4927 x DHTW-60 are identified as best combiners for yield and yield contributing traits.