AbstractPower losses in semiconductor devices present a significant impediment to advancing power electronics systems for achieving higher frequencies, improved efficiency, and greater integration. A major challenge lies in directly coupling power losses with various control strategies, considering the variations in manufacturers, packaging, and process structures within the power electronics field. This paper introduces a field‐circuit coupling simulation methodology of the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) within the Simulink/COMSOL environment, using a conventional three‐phase six‐switch voltage source inverter (VSI) IGBT module as a case study. A composite transfer function interconnects the electrical and thermal aspects, enabling bidirectional coupling between IGBT temperature and losses. This study aims to comprehensively compare the effects of various control strategies, namely, single‐vector, dual‐vector, and three‐vector current model predictive control (CMPC) and space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM), on the losses and temperature of IGBT power modules. The findings emphasize that losses are significantly influenced by the selection of weighting factor coefficients and power factor settings under the same CMPC control strategy with a fixed switching frequency. Additionally, the selection of control strategies, such as CMPC and SVPWM, substantially impacts power losses in power electronic devices.