Despite its widespread use, marital counseling's effectiveness in field settings (e.g., in marital counseling agencies) is largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of marital counseling in Germany in an uncontrolled, prospective health service research study using a battery of questionnaire measures (e.g., the Marital Satisfaction Inventory). In total, 84 counselors recruited 495 clients into the study. The attrition rate was high: Only 51% of the clients participated in the postassessment 6 months later, and only 24% of the original sample provided data for the 6-month follow-up. The pre-post comparisons resulted in significant improvements in several scales; however, the overall effect size (ES) was low (M ES = 0.28; 0.44 for follow-up completers). The implications of the results for future studies and for training marital counselors are discussed.
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