We write down a minimal basis for dimension-six gauge-invariant four-fermion operators, with some operator replacements with respect to previous ones which make it simpler for calculations. Using this basis we classify all four-fermion operator contributions involving one or two top quarks. Taking into account the different fermion chiralities, possible colour contractions and independent flavour combinations, a total number of 572 gauge-invariant operators are involved. We apply this to calculate all three-body top decay widths t → d k u i d ¯ j , t → d k e i + ν j , t → u k u i u ¯ j , t → u k e j + e i − , t → u k ν ¯ j ν i (with i , j , k generation indices) mediated by dimension-six four-fermion operators, including the interference with the Standard Model amplitudes when present. All single top production cross sections in pp, p p ¯ and e + e − collisions are calculated as well, namely u i d k → d j t , d ¯ j d k → u ¯ i t , u i d ¯ j → d ¯ k t , u i u k → u j t , u i u ¯ j → u ¯ k t , e + e − → u ¯ k t and the charge conjugate processes. We also compute all top pair production cross sections, u ¯ i u j → t t ¯ , d ¯ i d j → t t ¯ , u i u j → t t and e + e − → t t ¯ . Our results are completely general, without assuming any particular relation among effective operator coefficients.
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