Oregano offers culinary and medicinal applications for mankind. Due to its vast health benefits, its consumption has been gradually rising in the modern era. Since, the nutrients and proper spacing are critical factors influencing plant growth, current study endeavors to investigate the effects of four different nitrogen levels (N0: 0 kg/ha, N1: 50 kg/ha, N2: 100 kg/ha, and N3: 150 kg/ha) combined with three row spacings (S1 = 45 × 45 cm, S2 = 45 × 30 cm, and S3 = 45 × 15 cm) on the growth and production of oregano, with the goal of optimizing nitrogen levels and spacing for effective cultivation of a recently released Indian oregano variety i.e., CIM-Sudeeksha. The study revealed that the N2S2 treatment (i.e., 100 kg/ha nitrogen and 45 × 30 cm spacing) produced the tallest plants, measuring 63.60±0.79 cm. On the other hand, the N2S3 treatment (i.e., 45×15 cm spacing and 100 kg/ha nitrogen) resulted with the remarkable yields of both fresh and dry herbs and oil, measuring 292.23±2.03 (Fresh herb) and 73.04±2.61 (dry herb) q/ha, 63.37±5.27 (Fresh herb oil), and 56.14±4.14 (Dry herb oil) kg/ha respectively, whereas N3S3 treatment showed highest but insignificantly different dry herb oil content i.e., 56.32±2.42 kg/ha. Also, the chemical composition of N2S2 treatment showed more carvacrol content (56.89 % in fresh and 52.62 % in dry herb) then N2S3 and N3S3 treatment. The results showed that the effects of nitrogen application with rates of 100 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha were similar on almost all agronomic traits and oil yield parameters. Furthermore, the 45×30 cm spacing showed encouraging outcomes, increasing vegetative growth and decreasing plant competition. Given these findings, it is advised to use 45×30 cm spacing and 100 kg/ha nitrogen fertilization for increased Indian oregano production and economical resource utilization.
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