The present study photoelastically analysed stress distribution in the alveolar bone around the abutment teeth for a bridge involving mobile teeth. The mobile teeth in this study were limited to those which were lack of support because of their increased crown-root ratio. Four types of 〓 bridge models for a case 〓 being absent and 〓 mobile were used : type A, with normal 〓 and mobile 〓 ; type B, with normal 〓 and normal 〓 ; type C, with mobile 〓 and mobile 〓 ; and type D, with mobile 〓 and normal 〓. The mobility of a single mobile tooth was characterized by a typical Moire fringe at its cervical portion in addition to its root apex under an eccentric vertical load. When 〓 was connected with other abutments by a rigid bridge, the mobility of 〓 was markedly decreased even if 〓 and/or 〓 were mobile. The analyses of stress distribution showed that the applied load through the bridge was primarily supported by the alveolar bone around 〓 in and type. It was suggested from the foregoing results that the immobility of 〓 might be essential for minimizing the mobility of the abutment teeth.