Smooth muscle cell proliferation is critical to the pathogenesis of restenosis. Oxygen-derived radicals are known cell mitogens. We tested whether ebselen, a selenium-containing heterocyclic compound with antioxidant activity could reduce intimal thickening and increase luminal size after balloon injury (BI) in the coronary artery model. Nineteen normolipemic pigs were given (BI) of the LAD and LCX coronary arteries. At random 9 pigs were pretreated with ebselen (2.4 g twice per day) for 3 days before Bl and continued until sacrifice (2 weeks after BI). Coronary atrery sections were evaluated by computer morphometry. The maximal intimal thickness (MIT), intimal area (IA) luminal perimeter (LP), vessel perimeter (VP), and fracture length (FL) were measured. The relation between the injury index (FL/LP) and intimal response to injury was determined. Linear regression showed good correlation between the amount of injury (FL/LP) and IA in the control group (r = 0.88) versus no correlation (r = 0.34) in the ebselen group. MIT was reduced in treated pigs. Control Ebselen p MIT (mm) 0.42 0.36 0.02 LP (mm) 5.10 5.48 0.04 : Ebselen improves the coronary response to BI due to a beneficial effect on luminal remodeling by enhancing luminal size and by reduction of intimal thickening.