Rocks of the greenschist facies in eastern Otago, New Zealand, have been investigated in an area some thirteen to sixteen kilometers wide and sixty-five kilometers long extending northeastwards approximately normal to the boundary of the schist with lower grade rocks. Quartzo-feldspathic schists predominate but greenschists and metacherts occur sporadically throughout the area. At the southwestern edge of the area schists are in the chlorite zone, slightly above the high-grade limit of pumpellyite. Metamorphic grade increases toward the northeast into the biotite zone which occupies about half the terrane studied and is believed to be everywhere little advanced in metamorphic grade past that of the biotite isograd. Some 130 mineral specimens have been partially analysed with the electron probe. Results derived from these data as well as other mineralogical investigation are as follows: Albite contains a maximum of 1% anorthite plus orthoclase in epidote-bearing rocks from all parts of the area.