IN Machado de Assis's short story, Teoria do a father explains to his son, on the occasion of his twenty-first birthday, how to become a medalhao--a title once used to refer to a person of great importance who wields influence. In the course of the story it becomes clear that the father is indifferent to his son's choice of profession. Instead, his primary concern and advice is that his son achieves success in any reputable field by securing the of those that have already earned their high position and reputation. In establishing this model of the medalhao, Machado introduces the reader to a character-type, present in much of his work, that relies upon the of others in order to obtain social, political, professional, or financial advantages. The typically wealthy and powerful bestower of is often motivated by acts of flattery and deception on the part of the aspiring medalhao, who often appears to be conferring some form of of their own. In Teoria do the lesson that the father teaches is that his son should achieve social, political, professional, and/or financial success by procuring the of those that have already done so. Missing from Teoria do medalhao is instruction for Machadean female characters who aspire to the advantages made possible by the of wealthy and powerful benefactors. As a result of societal limitations placed upon them, these nineteenth and early twentieth century women characters do not have access to the appearance of power and success through careers or politics, as men do. As a consequence, female characters must use the tools available to them in order to procure while seemingly bestowing it. This investigation proposes that beauty and charm are tools that are used strategically by Machadean women characters to secure positions of power and influence, or merely to achieve the appearance of such. A close reading of two of Machado de Assis's novels, Dom Casmurro and Quincas Borba, supports this assertion by revealing their female protagonists to be adept at both bestowing and garnering favour. In his critical essay, Misplaced Ideas, Roberto Schwarz declares favour in Brazilian society to be a quasi-universal social resulting from a heritage of slavery (22). Schwarz proposes that prior to and after the abolition of slavery in Brazil, there existed a class of free men who in reality were not free, but dependent upon the of the upper class. These free, yet dependent, individuals were known as agregados. According to Schwarz the relationship between the agregado and the elite reflected the relationship between all Brazilians in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: The field of ideological life is formed by these two classes, and it is governed, therefore, by this relationship. Thus, under a thousand forms and names, formed and flavoured national life, excepting always the basic productive relationship which was secured by force. was present combining itself with more or less ease to administration, politics, industry, commerce, the life of the city, the court, and so on ... (22) Although it is implied in Schwarz's statement, Favour was present everywhere, the critic excludes from his investigation the mention or examination of the presence of this relationship of dependence and in gender relations. Instead, he seems primarily concerned with the presence of as a mediation device between social classes that extends itself to political and professional spheres. In his study, Dependents Play Chess, Sidney Chalhoub extends the ideology of dependence and to include women: In the world as construed by such ideology, a world dreamed of, the worth of any one individual is measured by the web of personal relations to which he or she manages to belong. There is no social place outside the formally and customarily instituted forms of hierarchy, authority, and dependence. …
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