Dark pulses presented on a background of constant light (LL) result in phase advances during midsubjective day and early subjective night, and phase delays during late subjective night, as shown in the dark-pulse phase response curve. In hamsters, the phase-shifting effects of dark pulses are thought to be mediated by increased activity, as previous studies have shown that restraining animals during dark pulses blocks the phase shifts observed in midsubjective day and late subjective night. This study focuses on dark-pulse-induced phase shifting during early subjective night, examining the influence of both LL intensity and restraint on the magnitude of these phase shifts. Syrian hamsters were maintained in LL of four different illumination levels (1, 10, 100, or 600 lux) and periodically presented with 6-h pulses (dark pulse alone, restraint alone, or dark pulse plus restraint) beginning at circadian time 11. Phase advances were observed in response to dark pulses alone, and the magnitude of these shifts was dependent on background illumination, with significantly larger advances seen under higher intensities. No relationship was found between the amount of activity displayed during dark pulses and phase shift magnitude. Six-hour periods of restraint resulted in phase delays, the magnitude of which was also dependent on background illumination. Restraining hamsters during dark pulses reduced the magnitude of phase advances, but the extent of this reduction could be predicted from the additive effects of the dark-pulse-alone and restraint-alone conditions. These results indicate that the phase-shifting effects of dark pulses during early subjective night are not mediated by behavioral activation and may instead reflect a mirror image of the phase-delaying effects of light pulses at this phase.