The following general conclusions are drawn from the results of electrophysiological and neuromorphologieal investigations conducted on cyclostomes, amphibians and r ep tiles. 1. Three formations of the endbrain (paleophallium, archipallium and neopallium), starting from the early stages of vertebrate evolution, appear and develop under the p r e s sure of three sources of afferent supply: the olfactory system, the paleoand neohypothalamus and the nuclear structures of the dorsal thalamus. These relationships are established in accordance with a definite principle: the phylogenetically old structures of the endbrain are elaborated mainly upon old formations and the new brain structures upon new. 2. Corticalization of the central nervous system follows the principle of development from diffuse structural and fimctional organization to more discrete, specialized forms of nervous activity. Orbeli (1, 2), a founder of evolutionary physiology, emphasized that the main task of this new discipline is to explain not only the pattern of formation of part icular functions or functional systems in the course of evolution of the animal world, but also to discover causal relationships and the significance of factors which determine the course of the evolutionary process. At the same time, it should predict the pathways and trends of future evolutionary transformations in structure and function of the brain. These fundamental ideas expounded by Orbeli led to electrophysiological, conditioned-reflex and neuromorphological investigations or representat ives of the Acrania, Cyclosto~ and Plagiostom fishes, amphibians, repti les and lower mammals (3, 4). A number of generalizations were made on the functional evolution both of the brain as a whole and on its individual systems of integration: cerebellocortical , thalamocortical, and hypothalamocortical. The following conclusions have been drawn: first , the principle of development by stages of the nervous system, according to which a shift of functions is observed in the central nervous system at ascending stages of vertebrate phylogeny; second, in the process of corticalization, and encephalization there is a tendency for development from diffuse, less, specialized forms of neural function to discrete , specialized forms. My subsequent researches into the structural and functional organization of the cerebel lotelencephalic and diencephalo-telencephalic levels of integration led logically to the problem of origin and the development of the highest level of integration, namely the cerebral cortex and, in particular, the neocortex. Currently, this problem is of great strategic importance and since the second half of the last century, contradictory views have been expressed about it (5-7). Since the endbrain in premammals receives p re dominantly olfactory afferents, the g~nesis of the neocortex has been correlated with the
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