We outline a modeling and optimization strategy for investigating dynamic metabolic engineering interventions. Our framework is particularly useful at the early stages of research and development, often constrained by limited knowledge and experimental data. Elucidating a priori optimal trajectories of manipulatable intracellular fluxes can guide the design of suitable control schemes, e.g., cyber(ge)netic or in-cell approaches, and the selection of appropriate actuators, e.g., at the transcriptional or post-translational levels. Model-based dynamic optimization is proposed to predict optimal trajectories of target manipulatable intracellular fluxes. A challenge emerges as existing models are often oversimplified, lacking insights into metabolism, or excessively complex, making them difficult to build and implement. Here, we use surrogates derived from steady-state solutions of constraint-based metabolic models to link manipulatable intracellular fluxes to the process exchange rates of structurally simple hybrid dynamic models. The latter can be conveniently used in optimal control problems of metabolism. As a proof of concept, we apply our method to a reduced metabolic network of Escherichia coli considering two different scenarios of dynamic metabolic engineering.