The objective: to learn the dermatological index of quality of life acne for the women of early reproductive age. Materials and methods. As a result of screening inspection in research 50 patients entered from acne different degree of severity. All patients produced complaints about a acne in the area of person, and 10 (20,0%) women also and in the area of breasts and back. Rashes, as a rule, were not accompanied by the subjective feelings, after a liquid exception, when separate elements were sickly at palpation. In addition, 39 (78,0%) patients marked the enhanceable greasiness facial skin and scalp. Age of the investigated patients ranges from 18 to 25 years. To the complex of the conducted researches clinical, laboratory, instrumental and statistical methods were included. Separately determined the dermatological index of quality of life. Results. At testing of women which are ill on acne, to treatment middle indexes of dermatological index of quality of life were 17,4, that represents the expressed dissatisfaction an own exterior and provides substantial influence on the social and sexual aspects of activity for patients which are observed. It should be noted that expressiveness of degree of severity acne did not influence on the size of dermatological index of quality of life.It is set that the level of dermatological index of quality of life depends on age of patients: for patients under age a 30 (most sexually active age) level of dermatological index of quality of life considerably higher (15,3) than for sick women more senior 30 years – 15,3 points (p<0,05). Set reverse cross-correlation connection of duration of motion acne and mean values of dermatological index of quality of life (r=-0,528; p=0,037) which testifies to humility of women with failings by the exterior, and possibly and by absence of faith in curing, as a result of what patients break off to pay regard to acne.Conclusions.The results of the conducted researches testify that findings must be taken into account at development of algorithm of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures, especially directed hormonal correction. Keywords:acne, clinical aspects, dermatological index of quality of life, early reproductive age.
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