The Kyries of J. S. Bach's B-minor Mass and Gottlob Harrer's D-major Mass (Harwv 32): Between Late Baroque and the Style Galant Jordi Rifé i Santaló JrhichIcomposer'soneohannheoftheSebastiancomposedzenithsownwork.Bach'sinthetheKyrieItshistoryMassconception1andinofBmusictheminorGloriaisasdated(BWVwellfor1733,as232)perhapsthetherepresentsCourtyearintheofin oneofthezenithsinthehistoryofmusicaswellasperhapsinthe Icomposer'sownwork.Itsconception1isdated1733,theyearin hichhecomposedtheKyrieandtheGloriafortheCourtof Dresden,undertheruleofFrederickAugustusII,ElectorofSaxony (andKingofPolandasAugustIII).WhiletheSanctushadalready beencomposedin1724,therestoftheMass-Credo,2Sanctus, Benedictus,andAgnusDei-wascompletedbetween1748and1749.3 'ChristophWolff,JohannSebastianBach:HIMúsicosabio,vol.2(Barcelona:Robinbook, 2003),146.SeealsoChristophWolff,JohannSebastianBach.Messeinh-Moll(Kassel: Bärenreiter,2009),10-15.1wouldalsoliketothankProf.Dr.ChristophWolfffor thekindness,generosity,andadvicehehasgivenmeinmyresearch,andthankas wellthewholegroupofresearchersandlibrariansoftheBachArchiveinLeipzig. ChristophWolff,ť"Etincarnatus'and'Crucifixus':TheEarliestandtheLatest SettingsofBach'sB-MinorMass,"Eighteenth-CenturyMusicinTheoryandPractice:Essays inHonorofAlfredMann,ed.MaryAnnParker(Stuyvesant,NY:PendragonPress, 1994).TheCrucifixuswasbasedonthefirstvocalmovementinťťWeinen,Klagen, Sorgen,Zagen"BWV12,composedinWeimarin1714. ForallinformationaboutthecompositionoftheB-minorMass,seeWolff,(2003), op.cit.,221-25and(2009),op.cit.,13-20and134-35. BACH:JournaloftheRiemenschneiderBachInstituteofBaldwinWallaceUniversity Comparison of Bach and Harrer Kyries 69 Gottlob Harrer's4 Mass in D major (HarWV 32) was compos in December 1735 and was also created for the court in Dresden. Harrer wrote several works,5 but so far only two of his masses are known to have survived: the Mass in D major and the Mass in F major (HarWV 33). The two masses contrast in style and construction : the instrumental and vocal resources of the Mass in D major are clearly used in the style of a concert mass, whereas instruments play a lesser role in the Mass in F major, being absent in the Credo and Agnus Dei and appearing colla parte in the Kyrie, Gloria, and Sanctus. These aspects make the Mass in F closer in musical style to the masses of the early Baroque. Its Kyrie has therefore been discarded for the purposes of the present study. The reason for comparing the two Kyries (that of Bach's Mass in B minor and Harrer's Mass in D major) is based on seven common characteristics: 1) both works were intended for performance at a Catholic religious service, 2) both were written for the court in Dresden, 3) both were conceived as a Missa solemnis^ 4) the gap between the composition of the two Kyries is two years - 1733 and 1735 - close enough in time to make their distinctive features noteworthy; 5) Harrer was Bach's successor as Cantor at the Leipzig Thomaskirche (which in itself brings added interest that helps discern analogies and differences between the two works and, in the process, corroborates the aesthetic and stylistic changes already indicated by other scholars),6 6) they are similar in their timbrai and textural treatment, and 7) samples from the two Masses indicate that the Kyries present the generative material from which the other parts of the Masses are later developed (in a more or less recurrent manner). 4AI1 references to Harrer's music should be cross-referenced with Ulrike Kollmar, Gottlob Harrer (1703-1755), Kapellmeister des Grafen Heinrich von Brühl am sächschichpolnischen Hof und Thomaskantor in Leipzig (Beeskow and Berlin: Ortus Musikverlag, 2006). 5See Kollmar, 1 74-248, and Andreas Glöckner, "Handschriftliche Musikalien aus den Nachlässen von Carl Gotthelf Gerlach und Gottlob Harrer in den Verlagsangeboten des Hauses Breitkopf 1761 bis 1769," Bach-Jahrbuch (1984): 107-16. 6See, in this respect, Kollmar, op. cit., and Michael Maul, " Vero berühmbter Chor": Die Leipziger Thomasschule und ihre Kantoren ,121 2-1 804 (Leipzig: Lehmstedt Verlag, 201 2), 258-66. 70 Bach The objective of t compositions, with both the style and hypothesis that th music, which fluct My basic sources f editions of Johan 232) - and the Lateini musikJ Finally, the methodology used seeks to encompass the parameters of any musical analysis with regard to its timbrai or formal aspects, as well as those concerning the relationship between music and text. I believe that these parameters can give us indicators suitable for developing these objectives and this hypothesis. Comparative Analysis of the Kyries Table 1 below offers a detailed comparison between the Kyries of Bach's Mass in B minor and Harrer's Mass in D major, using various parameters that reveal the analogies and differences between the two composers: 7Both for study purposes and for the examples appearing in this work, I have based my references on Johann Sebastian Bach, Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke , Frühfassungen...