Andover may be used as an early to midseason tablestock and chipstock variety. It has a very rapid emergence and early tuber set. The vine maturity is similar to Superior in the absence of severe stress. In New York trials harvested 90 days after planting, the yields of Andover and Superior are nearly equal, 274 cwt/A. At 120 days, over eight seasons at two Ithaca locations, Andover yielded 87% Atlantic. Andover appears to be susceptible to drought and heat stress which can cause early senescence and reduce late season yields. It has few external and internal defectS. Specific gravity is high for an early variety, being .009 less than Atlantic. Andover has excellent chip color from the field from a range of environments and from 7 C storage. It has good boiling and baking properties. The mealiness of the baked potatoes is especially good. Tuber dormancy is two weeks longer than Atlantic. The reaction to common scab is like that of Monona, which is considered to be resistant. It is also resistant to powdery scab and the golden nematode.
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