Abstract The immune response is a key modulator of regeneration. Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1 (ASK1) loss can promote cartilage regeneration, thus we investigated how ASK1 loss modulates the immune response. Two mm biopsy punches of ear tissue samples were taken from WT and ASK1 KO mice (n=3) on day 0, 4 and 7 after injury. RNA was extracted and gene expression analyzed using the NanoString nCounter Immunology Gene Panel. Functional enrichments were analyzed using Gene Set Enrichment (GSEA) and Variation (GSVA) Analysis. GSVA showed general apoptosis and p53 pathways were significantly decreased in all KO samples, as expected. The Nanostring curated gene set across all time points and samples showed TLR, NFkB and TNF signaling down regulation. Conversely, MHC class II and cell adhesion were upregulated. GSEA indicated significant differences between cell types involved in the innate and acquired immune response. The most increased GSVA results from the Hallmark gene set was apical junction and most significant decrease was the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and IL-6-JAK-STAT3 signaling pathway. GSEA-generated heatmaps of genes that significantly contributed to these pathways give additional insight into how ASK1 loss modulates immune signaling pathways to promote a regenerative environment. This analysis identified signaling pathways that modulate the immune response to support a regenerative environment and insights into how to clinically modulate this process.
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