UDC 541.24:532.5 We examine the dynamics of capillary waves of small amplitude on a bubble, performing initially spherosymmetric pulsations in a liquid of low viscosity. We study in the shortwave approximation the characteristics of the growth of surface disturbances with arbitrary pressure differentials and polytropic exponents. We determine the asymptotic time dependences of the mean-square amplitude of the disturbances and obtain approximate formulas for the amplitude growth characteristics for a wide range of parameters. The existence of a single universal dependence of the wave index is discovered. A strong influence of the polytropic exponent near the isotherm on the wave growth characteristics is found. We establish an analogy between the growth of inertial-capillary waves on the surface of a nonlinearly pulsating bubble and on a plane surface with constant acceleration. It is shown that in the case of large-amplitude pulsations the low viscosity approximation is capable of describing the nonsmall effects of change of the wave growth characteristics. We determine the influence of viscosity on the dynamics of the disturbances, and note the viscosity-associated stratification of the universal relation for the wave growth characteristic. 1. Asymptotic Description of Nonstationary Short Waves on a Pulsating Bubble. We shall examine the small perturbations of the spherically symmetric pulsations of a gas bubble in a liquid that is at rest at infinity. We denote the initial gas pressure by P0 and the pressure at infinity by Po.. The dynamics of the disturbances on the pulsating gas bubble depends on the polytropic exponent k and the pressure ratio parameter e and the capillarity parameter a: t = po/p** , cr = a'/p| a o = a/e (or' is the surface tension coefficient, R o' is the initial radius, the primes indicate dimensional quantities). We shall introduce the viscosity influence parameter later, after accounting for the inertial-capillary effects in the ideal fluid formulation. We examine the limit a < < 1, when the capillary forces do not influence the change of the bubble radius, defined in dimensionless form by the equation 2 RR + (3/2)R = eR -a- 1, R(0) = I,R(0) = 0, t R = R'/Ro, t = t'(p| (I.1) The amplitudes of the small perturbations of the surface, represented by a series in the spherical harmonics