Objectives: The purpose of our study was to find the outcome, frequency, maternal morbidity and perinatal outcome due toeclampsia in our set up. Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the department of obstetricsand gynae from 1 st January 2007 to 1 st January 2008, in Gynecology & obstetric department: unit 1 of Liaquat University hospital Hyderabad.Patients and Methods: Total 39 patient's who had eclampsia were included in this study while other obstetric patient's who had no eclampsiawere excluded from the study. After an informed consent information was recorded on predesigned proforma regarding maternal age, parity,duration of pregnancy, B.P at admission, mode of delivery, maternal morbidity and perinatal outcome. Results were analyzed through computersoftware programme SPSS version 11 and percentages were used to describe the data. Results: Total 1415 deliveries were conducted duringthe study period. Out of these, 39 patients had eclampsia. So the frequency of eclampsia was 2.7%. Majority of patient's i.e. 15(38.4%) wereless than 20 years .Out of 39 patient's, 32(82.0%) patient's were primigravida while 4(10.2%) were multigravida and 3(7.6%) patient's weregrandmultigravida. Majority of the patient's i.e. 28(71.7%) were unbooked. 18(46.1%) patient's had fit during antenatal period, 14(35.8%)patient's had fit in postpartum period one case with eclampsia was received on 6th postnatal day. Serious maternal morbidity was pulmonaryedema seen in 6(15.3%) HELLP Syndrome in 3 (7.6%) and acute renal failure in 4(10.2%) patient's. Regarding perinatal outcome, 28(71.7%)babies were born alive, out of these 11 (39.2%) were died in early neonatal period.8 (20.5%) babies born, were still birth while 3(7.6%) weremacerated IUD. Conclusion: In our study majority of patient's who developed eclampsia were young and primigravida. Major maternalmorbidity was pulmonary edema, chest infection and acute renal failure. Perinatal mortality was also high.