Microwave rotational spectra have been measured for BaF and BaCl. Precise Dunham coefficients Y ik and spin—rotation parameters γ ik are derived from this first rotational analysis for the BaCl molecule. Hyperfine structure has been measured for the isotopes 137Ba 19F and 137Ba 35Cl in which coupling of two nuclei has to be considered. Matrix elements for calculation of energy levels and relative intensities are given in the text. The measured hfs coupling constants are: b( 137Ba) = 2301(9) MHz, c( 137Ba) = 75(6) MHz, eqQ( 137Ba) = −117(12) MHz, and b( 19F) = 60(6) MHz. A comparison between these first gas phase measurements of metal hfs coupling constants in group II monohalides with previous matrix ESR data and hfs splitting factors A and B in the free B + ion yields information about polarization of closed Ba shells and 6s-6p-5d hybridization of the unpaired electron due to the field of the F − ion.